Баранова Нина
Баранова Нина
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, факультет журналистики
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
“Can you really do it?” – “Why not? It’s life, Nina. We always need money. I come home and I need to eat something, to pay bills, buy clothes, take trips, go shopping… It’s easy!”

Принеслик Елена
Принеслик Елена
Забайкальский Государственный Университет, аспирантка
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
My seven-year-old son had written down an enormous figure with too many zeroes and looking slyly into my eyes asked if I would like to have so much money.

Овчинникова Татьяна
Овчинникова Татьяна
Тюменский Государственный Университет, филологический факультет
One Day of the Consumer’s Life
It seems to me, nobody will come to HER burial. Everybody will pass by, will “live by”, the same way I drove away this morning.

Кравченко Павел
Кравченко Павел
Ростовский Государственный Университет, филологический факультет
Human Values in the Age of Consumption
I’m growing my own beast. I grow it deep inside the darkest labyrinths of my soul. I feed it. I love it. I adore it. I worship it. It is hungry…

Меркулов Антон
Меркулов Антон
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, факультет философии и политологии
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
The best way to make people consume is to kindle a desire. Desires do not belong to people anymore …

Андрей Ахраменов
Андрей Ахраменов
Омский государственный университет
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
Human values started with identity. Beings of one identity tried not to kill each other or at least the women and children of the same identity.

Марина Евстафьева
Марина Евстафьева
Глазовский государственный педагогический институт им. В.Г. Короленко
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
Living in the age of consumerism means looking at the same values from a new angle. Today money is the main indicator of whether a person is successful or not.

Татьяна Лебакина
Татьяна Лебакина
Самарский государственный университет, 3 курс
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
The generation gap is not a new problem and is well known to us all. It has always existed, but we may say that the situation is aggravated by the burning issue of consumerism.

Яна Сергунина
Яна Сергунина
Волжский университет им. В.Н. Татищева, 5 курс
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
Do you eat to live? Or do you live to have the possibility to consume food?

Лика Сидорова
Лика Сидорова
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 5 курс
Human Values in the Age of Consumerism
… as the time passes, the consumer pulls the art down to the level of the masses. It is rather logical in the sense that art, as a part of culture, serves to self-identification and enculturation.
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